How to Create Character Accounts

Since much of the forum posting revolves around posting in character, you may want to have multiple accounts that have a different username and icon that represent different characters. Follow these steps to do this!

Please note that you need permission from the Game Master to be playing as a any character in the forums other than your player character. Check in before creating NPC accounts and posting as them.

  1. Go to the Forums menu and click on ‘create account’. If you are logged in already, click on ‘Log Out’ on the right.
  2. The username should be your actual character handle that you want to post as. If you want to add more name information, you can do it elsewhere.
  3. The email needs to be different for each login. To get around this, use a + sign in your email with the username of the character. With most email providers (including Gmail), using this method will ensure the email still goes to your main account while allowing you to trick the system into thinking it’s a different email. In this example, I’ll use Jayce and my own email
  4. Check your email. You will have a verification email click on the link after ‘To set your password, visit the following address’. Enter a new password and click on ‘Reset Password’.
  5. You can now log in as this new username/character. To add a picture, go to the following website: (Gravatar). Click on ‘Create your own Gravatar’. Managing a lot of accounts can get confusing, so I recommend using the same email, password, and try to use the same username as what you used on the forums (though it may be taken, but Gravatar will let you log in with email instead). Fill these out and click on ‘Sign Up’.
  6. Check your email. Click on ‘Activate Account’. Click on ‘Sign into Gravatar’. Make sure the email is the right one. Click on ‘add image’. This will be your icon. For Shadowrun, this should be representative of your Matrix persona. The icon will need to be square, but they will prompt you to crop it on the website if it isn’t.

That’s it! Now when you log into the forums (using the correct + in your email), you will be posting with that character and image.

PRO Tips

  1. Use a Google Chrome Incognito tab to be logged in as two accounts at once.